First he skitters from his roach cave to resurface yesterday. Now this. Add another line to the list of Al Gore's crimes: accessory to murder/suicide.
A seven-month-old baby girl survived three days alone with a bullet in her chest beside the bodies of her parents and toddler brother.
Argentines Francisco Lotero, 56, and Miriam Coletti, 23, shot their children before killing themselves after making an apparent suicide pact over fears about global warming.
Their son Francisco, two, died instantly after being hit in the back.
But their unnamed daughter cheated death after the bullet from her dad's handgun missed her vital organs.
Paramedics rushed her to hospital covered in blood when police alerted by worried neighbours discovered the massacre three days later.
The youngster is recovering in hospital in the town of Goya in the northern Argentine province of Corrientes, where doctors say she is out of danger.
Her parents said they feared the effects of global warming in a suicide note discovered by police
How ironic.
via Weasel Zippers
That Global Warming stuff can kill you ...
Gore's pursuit of fame and fortune have now cost these people their lives.
Good Lawd where does this madness end !! :)
A message designed by climate radicals to motivate people through fear and panic produces a panic/fear driven murder/suicide. Nothing to see here folks, let's move along now...
I read his op ed, as much as I could stand. More of the same BS. The whole damn scam has been exposed, but the true believers just can't give it up...
Wow. I've been sarcastically suggesting that greenies lead by example, but I always thought they were hippocrites and wouldn't do it. The adults, I could care less about. They made their choice, but to do the kids too? I guess it really is a cult.
I'd suggest Al use a gun on himself but no gun can penetrate that thick skull.
Too bad he can't be charged on this, but that would be far-fetched! He should however, be given another Nobel for Liar of the Year!
If you think about it a bit more, it's not like he'd hit anything if he did put a gun to his head.
Indeed, Ron. This is definetly Nobel Prize material.
Albore spreads horror and carnage where-ever he goes. He should be arrested as an
assessory in this madness. >:o
Gore means "to cool" in Latin? Wow, who knew?
That must be the best photochop ever.
Francisco Lotero and Miriam Coletti: Perfect eco-tard lefty parents.
Fuck these green dipshits. I hope there is an especially hot miserable place in hell reserved for these two bastards. Killing your own kids over global warming? Horrible and stupid.
The depravity of these leftards is beyond belief isn't it. What is it with these bastards, wanting to kill their innocent children. Thank heavens the little girl is alright.
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