Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snarky Photo Reel: Obama's Week in Review #6

Posted on behalf of Jamie...double click to embiggen images (dummy Blogger reduces them too small)

It’s a damn good thing that Barack Hussein Obama (Mmm, mmm, mmm) isn’t GW… If GW had called a Navy corpsman a corpse-man, the press would have had a field day over his ignorance… Maybe if The One knew what the words meant, and didn’t just read them off a teleprompter, mistakes like that wouldn’t occur…

Ya gotta wonder what it’s going to take for people to realize this POS is a communist…

Don’t forget, Barack Hussein Obama (Mmm, mmm, mmm) was the Constitutional scholar that said the Constitution was “fundamentally flawed” - this genius knows so much better than those dummies that founded this nation. They did not share His enlightenment.

Bahney thought he’d get lucky after the dropping of “don’t ask, don’t tell”…


silverfiddle said...

The man is an ivy league elitist, and so is his wife. He knows nothing about the military so I would expect him to make mistakes like this.

Opus #6 said...

These are excellent. Especially the commie one. Obama did indeed nationalize industries and redistributes wealth. What is it about communism that Americans don't understand.

LC Aggie Sith said...

Love these!! As to Obama's many bumblings, why would anyone expect Obama to pronounce a MILITARY term? Another one that glares out at me is his pronunciation of the word, "nuclear". HE PRONOUNCES IT THE SAME WAY GWB DOES!!!! And yet, not a peep from the presstitutes....

Something tells me he wanted to pronounce it "corpseman".... after all, a corpse is more useful to his propaganda.

Bunni said...

Great stuff!
He is a commie bastard and a scum.

Snarky Basterd said...

Two-year olds usually don't

Snarky Basterd said...

Some Americans just don't want to have any responsibility for anything; they want the s

Snarky Basterd said...

They want the state to take care of everything for them. It's a disease, really. A mental disorder.

Snarky Basterd said...

Jamie did a Corpse-man image but I've been saving it for some snarky snark I was working on before all the technical difficulties at the WP site took my live over.

Snarky Basterd said...

I'll be interested to see what comes of his health care "summit" with Republicans.

My other site said...

Blogroll updated!

I love these pics, they are too good!

Especially the commie motto over the windows of the Oval office!

Snarky Basterd said...

Is that you Brooke? You can come back to your comment and edit the details so that your information (name, blog URL) come up, and the comments thingy should remember you next time.

Jamie said...

Hopefully the Republicans will not engage in Obama's Healthcare summit. They won - leave it at that unless he is willing to state up front that they are starting from scratch, and not rehashing the dem's bill...

The Conservative Lady said...

Glad I saw this before I left for Daytona. It's going up on the Facebook page.
Have a nice weekend.

MK said...

"Don’t forget, Barack Hussein Obama (Mmm, mmm, mmm) was the Constitutional scholar that said the Constitution was “fundamentally flawed” - this genius knows so much better than those dummies that founded this nation. They did not share His enlightenment."

The arrogance is infuriating isn't it.

My other site said...

This stuff is simply the funniest I've ever seen.

There is no doubt they will hammer you as soon as they can!

Keep it us as long as possible. and I'll keep emailing everyone I know with these great works of art.

Woodsterman said...

Good stuff Jamie ..

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