Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Comrade Stalin, Pick Up On Line One

We keep getting glimpses of the Obama mindset, the Chicago Thugocracy if you please, represented by off hand remarks made by the President as well as those close to him. The insight generated by these remarks is not comforting at all.

Obama and his supporters have a problem with people who oppose their proposals. The Soviets had the same problem and addressed it in their own way.

Funny thing, the Soviets and the Nazis adopted common measures when dealing with people they didn't like. It did not turn out well for the opposers. Thank goodness that can't happen here in America; organized thugs would never attack peaceful folk opposed to a socialist philosophy.

Ooops. Forget that picture of SEIU members helping someone change their mind.

When it comes to ObamaCare and the pressure being generated to force this socialist power grab down our throats, we can only pray that our voices will be heard by enough Senators to defeat any attempt at reconciliation. From the NY Times:

Tempers were fraying in the White House Cabinet Room as night turned into morning on Jan. 15. President Obama had been cloistered nearly all day with House and Senate Democrats, playing “marriage counselor,” an aide said, as he coaxed, cajoled and prodded them on a health care overhaul.

Obama played Yenta for the ugly, red-headed, drooling Frankenstein health care system. American wants no part of it and returned the cubic zirconia engagement ring. If this creature ever comes to life, it will stumble and rumble through our economy like a runaway tank.“

‘See what you guys can figure out,’ ” one participant remembers him saying, adding that the failed effort left the president mad.

Poor Mr. Obama left the meeting with his panties all in a wad.

Solution? Simple. We need a Panty Czar to pry out and unwad those bikini cuts.

Ever since his days as a young community organizer in Chicago, Mr. Obama has held fast to the belief that by listening carefully and appealing to reason he can bring people together to get results, an approach that in Washington has often come up short.

But there are results - Obama just doesn't like them. The results are simple; if you look at his plan reasonably, Obamacare is a pile of crap.

Solution? Simple. Drop it as if you were caught in a mosque with a pulled pork sandwich during Ramadan. And wipe the BBQ sauce from your face.

He is not showing any signs of changing his style. But he is facing perhaps the toughest test yet of his powers of persuasion: winning the votes he needs, in the face of unified Republican opposition and a deteriorating climate for Democrats, to push his health care measure through a skittish Congress.

The author, Ms. Stolberg, conveniently forgets that the Republicans were virtually powerless since January of last year until this month when Scott Brown stole the Senate seat belonging to Commodore Oldsmobile, ending the Democratic super majority.

Unified Republican opposition? They couldn't stop the Democratic steamroller if they tried. But don't tell Obozo that, he can't hear you through those wadded panties. Especially when his advisers start channeling their inner Stalin.

“If the president weren’t tough, if the president weren’t committed, if the president didn’t believe that this was an imperative for the future of American families, businesses and the sustainability of our budget, this thing would have been dead six months ago,” David Axelrod, Mr. Obama’s senior adviser, said in an interview. “I would love to live in a world where the president could snap his fingers or even twist arms and make change happen, but in this great democracy of ours, that’s not the way it is.”

The Soviets were all about change too. Apparently Axelrod has taken notes. He would love to snap fingers, twist arms, maybe break some legs, imprison a few relatives, or even shoot a protester or two.

I'd love to live in a world where I could bury my boot up his ass whenever I wanted.


Most Rev. Archbishop Gregori said...

If Obama gets his health care shoved down our throats, then we had better make it mighty clear to all future candidates running for Congress, that their very first act upon taking office is to repeal the bill, and we had better not fall for the line of B.S. that it will take years to undo it. If something can be passed in Congress and signed into law by the President in a short period of time, it can be undone just as fast.

Karen Howes said...

Chicago-style (Kremlin-style?) politics, for sure.

Logistics Monster said...

I just so feel like bitchslapping all of them into next week...alas, I want a pink pony too...

Logistics Monster said...

Snark - I just put up a piece about where to find it livestreaming and asked the question: What is America going to do to push back when they pass this POS using reconciliation?  National Strike, changing your W-4's to take the most exemptions so as to starve the treasury, or something else?  Want to put your thinking cap on?

HoosierArmyMom said...

This is my advice for Comrade Obozo!!!

HoosierArmyMom said...

<span>The Soviets were all about change too. Apparently Axelrod has taken notes. He would love to snap fingers, twist arms, maybe break some legs, imprison a few relatives, or even shoot a protester or two." 
You left out selling his Mommy into White Slavery!!!!  :-P   Another great post sig24!!!!</span>

MK said...

"We need a Panty Czar to pry out and unwad those bikini cuts."


"Mr. Obama has held fast to the belief that by listening carefully...."

Huh, who the heck is he listening to, he's certainly not listening to the American people, that's for sure.

"....but in this great democracy of ours, that’s not the way it is.”

Says he most unhappily.

Always On Watch said...

<span>He is not showing any signs of changing his style.</span>

Another way to look at BHO's continued obstinance -- perseveration:

<span><span>Psychiatry</span>. </span>the pathological, persistent repetition of a word, gesture, or act, often associated with brain damage or schizophrenia.

Always On Watch

Always On Watch said...

<span>He is not showing any signs of changing his style.</span>

Another way to look at BHO's continued obstinance -- perseveration:

<span><span>Psychiatry</span>. </span>the pathological, persistent repetition of a word, gesture, or act, often associated with brain damage or schizophrenia.

Always On Watch

Snarky Basterd said...

Really good stuff, sig.

Robbins Mitchell said...

After watching Barokeydoke wearing 'mom jeans' and throwing like a girl at last years All-Star Game,I can't wait to watch him try to "go gangsta" on the GOP to get ObozoCare passed....he is rather like a mouse...crawling up an elephant's hind leg with rape on its mind.

HoosierArmyMom said...

Man, if THAT doesn't describe Teh One!!!  "Going Forward, Going Forward, Going Forward..."  Sometimes I wonder if he isn't Soros's "Stepford POTUS"!!!!

dhr5000 said...

The power to "snap fingers" and get what you want is typically relegated to despotic-type people who have no tact, or true despots who wield power by force without argument or input.  A list of historic figures in this mode would include every sigle tyrant who ever lived, a list to which Axelrod seems to "wish" his man, Obama, could attain. 

Just amazing.  You can't make this stuff up. 

KansasGirl said...

This has to be stopped. This will ruin America. This has me so fearful for our children and their children.

Woodsterman said...

It's still a waiting game. All we can do is keep the presure on and give Conservatives all of the support we can in November.

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