Friday, July 31, 2009

Where's MY Friggin' Stimulus?

Steven Crowder brings up some excellent questions about the asshole bill, GoFrigYourselfus, that Obugger Rahmed through Congress and the Senate:h/t: IMAOWhich brings up some reminiscing on a Friday night of something I wrote way back when this monstrosity was about to be dropped on our heads, like a little gift package from Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: New School House Rock: I’m Just a Stimulus Bill Boy: Woof! You sure...

Thursday, July 30, 2009

President Leads Police on Drunken Vehicle Chase after White House Beer Party

WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama was arrested for DUI this afternoon after taking a Harvard professor and a Cambridge police officer on a harrowing barhopping tour and subsequent high-speed police chase through the city.What started as a beer picnic outside the Oval Office to clear the air over the president’s embarrassing comments last week after the arrest of Harvard’s Henry Louis Gates turned ugly, when Obama,...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I'm a Democrat: You Owe Me

Someone hit my site the other day using the colorful search terms "fuck every last republican.” Apparently he/she/it was a bit angry about something. Sitemeter indicated they didn’t stick around too long, either.Was it something I said?Curious, because I have a fondness for deconstructing moonbat rantings, I clicked back on he/she/its inbound link and found this little gem from the always cheerful Daily Kos partway down the search results.It got me to thinking, as things of this nature will do, so I came up with this:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I’m...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Botox: A Worthy Friggin' Health Care Tax

I'm up for this...IF it applies only to Democrats. For instance, John Kerry, (hideously) before...Why the long face, John? I guess it got better (not so much) after this...Naturally, there's Obugger's nemesis, The Bitch...And, who could forget Joey? Before...And...after...(umm, Joey...does this make little sweet? I hope you don't get a pedicure every week, too).By the way...can anyone say "The Shining?"And,...

Monday, July 27, 2009

Obama Issues Gag Order over Racial Firestorm

WASHINGTON -- Facing increasing criticism today over interjecting himself into a routine arrest involving a black man and a white police officer last week, President Barack Obama signed an executive order banning all public and private discussion of the incident, particularly in reference to him.“I think the teachable moment has ended,” the president said, reading a statement to groveling reporters in the Blue Room at the White House. “America has talked enough, and that talk isn’t doing me any good at all, and the only thing...

Saturday, July 25, 2009

“Teachable Moment,” not Victory, America’s Goal in Afghanistan; Harvard Professor Gates Named Special Envoy to Help

Breaking from the long U.S. tradition of putting American lives in harm’s way during foreign wars in the name of freedom and liberty and security, President Barack Obama said yesterday the goal in Afghanistan is no longer victory:It’s a teachable moment.To help with these efforts, the president has named long-time friend Harvard University professor Henry Louis Gates as special “politeness” envoy to Afghanistan."What I think we know, separate and apart from this war, is that there's a long history in the world of America sending...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

How Not to Get Your Ass Kicked by the Police

I figured I wasn't going to touch this, since all of the big blogs, the TV media, the newspapers, the radio jockeys, and every race baiter in America were talking about Henry Louis Gates and Cambridge Sergeant James M. Crowley and the president's ill-informed, asinine, and, frankly, bigoted comments last night.But then I made the excellent decision to click over here, and, well, the first comment has led me (and now you) he...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

“We Rescued the Economy”

That’s a funny way to say “we’re still in a deep recession.” When the third round of layoffs went through my little company three weeks ago, the first thing I thought was, “Wow. That Obama, he’s really rescued the economy.”Yeah, you rescued the economy, Obugger. That's why unclaimed dead bodies are stacking up in the Los Angeles County morgue because their relatives have so much money they’re just letting the government have the honor of footing the bill for the burials. That's why you need a federal toilet paper tax so you...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Obama Threatens to Quit Over NBC-Boyle Incident

WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama threatened to resign today if he can’t have Susan Boyle’s 9 p.m. timeslot on NBC Wednesday to try to drum up support for his sagging plan for health care “reform.”“Yesterday, I said it wasn’t about me. I friggin’ lied. IT IS!” he said this morning during an impromptu press conference at the White House, visibly angry and, strangely, not reading from a teleprompter. “This health care...

Monday, July 20, 2009

Coincidence? -- Vol 4 -- Mobacca's Chief of Staff

Susan Sher, First Wookie's new Chief of StaffLivia Soprano, Cable TV Mob Dragon LadyI really think not. (This time it's about the similarities between the Chicago Way and North Jersey, not looks, kiddies.)h/t: Amusing Bu...

That'll be $595,000 a Pound, Mr. Obama

Here's economic stimulus for you, and yet another sign of President Barack Obama's brilliance.Over at the Obama web site set up to show us just where the funny money is going, and what it's stimulating, we find out key economic details of this country's recovery, such as ham that costs $595,000 a pound.You know this link will disappear once Obugger finds out the blogosphere is all over this little tidbit of government ham and cheese, so I'm pasting the information over here, a bit awkward to read but still clear as a bell.Just...

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Googling “Economic Depression” Way Down, “Obama Is a Liar” Way Up

WASHINGTON -- The number of people searching for the term “economic depression” on Google is down, says a White House economic advisor. Fortunately, searches for other terms that indicate President Barack Obama’s popularity may be history are way up.Larry Summers, a top economic adviser to Obama, claims that Google searches for “economic depression” have reached normal levels, a sure sign that the economic free-fall has ended. (Could the White House use anything less tangible and credible and more ridiculous to indicate the...

Friday, July 17, 2009

Conversation with an Asshole Moonbat on Twitter

WARNING: DO NOT READ IF LANGUAGE OFFENDS YOUA cop's wife twice threatened me tonight on Twitter, so, just in case she has her husband hunt me down (we sort of live in the same metropolitan area), I thought I'd replay the conversation here.And I bet she didn't know I had a blog. Silly moonbat.It went like this...feedyouradhd: Leave it to Obugger and Pelosi to let Boehner and Bush weigh in on Cronkite's death before them, since fair journalism is their enemy. #tcot about 1 hour ago from TwitterBerryCyberCzarPol@feedyouradhd <--...

The Great Orator Obugger Speaks

The always hilarious British blogger Grumpy Old Twat pieced together this lovely video of Obugger's public appearances without TOTUS (luckily for him, despite this, Obugger still has VTOTUS).We all know Dear Leader speaks extemporaneously like he's chewing on tires, but this is one of the funniest collections of gaffes I've seen yet, originally found here.Obama Talks Bollocksby GrumpyOldTwatAnd while you're here, for some strange reason The Liberty Pen wanted to interview me about my madness. Please go over and skip the interview...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Organizational Chart of the House Democrats' Health Plan

Click to scratch and sniffHoly fucking bureaucracy, Batman!With an organizational chart like that, I wonder just how they'll find the time to bestow health care on little ole us. Probably long after they're sipping Dom Perignon from the good crystal, on our dime.Get your copy here. h/t: PraterlandUPDATE: I'm sure this new motherlode bureaucracy would probably never think of doing anything spending $700,000...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Iowahawk for Car Czar

Like this doesn't come as a surprise, FFS. Rattner's toast; Iowahawk's stock has never been higher. Obugger, you listening? Do something smart for a change.I nominate Iowahawk for Car Czar.Start the Groundsw...

The Wicked Witch of Congress Wants Intelligence Investigation of ... Herself

Washington TimesHouse Speaker Nancy Pelosi turns a fellow Congresswoman into a cockroach.WASHINGTON -- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), claiming she no longer knows what is going on inside her own brain, yesterday challenged Congress to investigate…whether or not she knows anything at all.“I mean, like, really. Do I Know? Did I know? Did I not know? When did I know or not know? Will I ever know? It’s…like…really...

Monday, July 13, 2009

R.I.P.: TOTUS! The horror! The horror! The horror!

Could it be...murder?ABC's Jake Tapper explains, via Hot Air:Midway through his speech on urban and metropolitan policy in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building this afternoon, one of his two small glass prompters came crashing down, hitting the wood floor and crashing in many pieces. It made quite a ruckus. “Oh, goodness,” a startled President Obama said. “Sorry about that, guys.” He then proceeded on with his remarks, “To pull our economy back from the brink, including the largest and most sweeping economic recovery plan...

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Love Child Refuses to Meet Obama-Father

GHANA -- Air Force One swooped into Ghana yesterday, carrying an upbeat President Barack Obama planning to meet his illegitimate son for the first time. Only moments after leaving the plane, however, the president discovered his love child wanted nothing to do with him.“I informed the president at the airport that he is an evil spirit, and because of this the boy did not want to see him,” said Hawabu Tarana, the juju...
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