"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon"
Where's MY Friggin' Stimulus?
President Leads Police on Drunken Vehicle Chase after White House Beer Party
I'm a Democrat: You Owe Me
Botox: A Worthy Friggin' Health Care Tax
Obama Issues Gag Order over Racial Firestorm
“Teachable Moment,” not Victory, America’s Goal in Afghanistan; Harvard Professor Gates Named Special Envoy to Help
How Not to Get Your Ass Kicked by the Police
“We Rescued the Economy”
Obama Threatens to Quit Over NBC-Boyle Incident
Coincidence? -- Vol 4 -- Mobacca's Chief of Staff
That'll be $595,000 a Pound, Mr. Obama
Googling “Economic Depression” Way Down, “Obama Is a Liar” Way Up
Conversation with an Asshole Moonbat on Twitter
The Great Orator Obugger Speaks
Organizational Chart of the House Democrats' Health Plan
Iowahawk for Car Czar
The Wicked Witch of Congress Wants Intelligence Investigation of ... Herself
R.I.P.: TOTUS! The horror! The horror! The horror!
Love Child Refuses to Meet Obama-Father