Monday, November 16, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Graphic Artist Wanted
Graphic Artist Wanted
Saturday, November 14, 2009
What Veteran Can't Get Behind This?
What Veteran Can't Get Behind This?
Hope(less) Change One Year Later
It’s been a year since the rock star campaign appearances, swooning fans, and telepromptered oratory all culminated in the election of Barack Hussein Obama as President of the United States. Now that the hype has died down and reality has kicked in, how are Obama’s politics of Hope & Change working?
For starters, the economy is hopeless. With more than $800 billion allocated for the stimulus package, the economy hasn’t shown any signs of improvement. Obama is touting the 3.5 percent growth in the GDP during the 3rd quarter as evidence that his economic policies are working. Economists disagree. They attribute the GDP numbers to stimulus money reaching consumers through the Cash for Clunkers program and first time homebuyer’s tax credit. The Cash for Clunkers program cost taxpayers $24,000 per vehicle, and the homebuyer's tax credit cost taxpayers $43,000 per home.This year the federal budget deficit tripled to a record $1.4 trillion, topping last year’s record deficit of $459 billion. That’s nearly 10 percent of the GDP. And the Obama administration has forecast a 10-year budget deficit of nearly $9 trillion dollars to pay for all its big government spending programs.Adding to the pressure on the economy is the devastating unemployment rate. Last November, the unemployment rate stood at 6.7 percent nationally. Today it’s 10.2 percent and even higher in 15 states including Michigan, Rhode Island, Nevada, California, Oregon, Ohio and Florida.Obama claims the stimulus package saved or created 650,000. Since there's no such economic measurement as a saved job, we'll stick to job creation. If this number is correct, that’s a cost of more than $71,000 per job created. The fact is, the economy has lost 3.6 million jobs over the past year and continued job losses are expected.Read the rest over at the Chicky's place, Coffee Milk Conservative.
Hope(less) Change One Year Later
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Got Yo Money
All Hail Barack, Our Savior
(Maybe we'll get lucky, and his next magic trick will be to make himself disappear: He'll close his eyes and tap his heals together three times and say there's no place like Kenya, there's no place like Kenya, there' no place like ...)
I was starting to think it could actually happen and got carried away. Anyway, you can listen to the song version by Tom Paine here while you read along.
I came upon a college kid,
Whose eyes were wide with glee,
He said Barack Obama,
Was sent to set us free!
All hail Barack, our savior,
Disciples faint and cry,
While listening to his rhetoric,
Rising to the sky.
Yes give us Hope, and give us Change,
And give us much much more,
Barack has said "We are the ones,
That we've been waiting for!"
All hail the god of government,
Give me my daily bread,
While robbing me of dignity,
My soul will soon be dead.
For you and your utopia,
Beware what history's said,
Toil, tears and tyranny,
(Who knows how many dead?)
We smile now for the crisis,
To our economy,
And count the blessings of a crash,
To finally set us free!
The market's broke, there's too much greed,
It's plain for all to see,
That's why Barack says now we need,
A NEW philosophy!
We all must look to government,
Barack says, "Look to ME!
Because I have the answer, it's,
Economic equality!"
From each by their ability,
To each to fill their need,
"Yes I, Barack, will show you how
To purge yourself of greed."
All hail the god of government,
Give me my daily bread,
While robbing me of dignity,
My soul will soon be dead.
For you and your utopia,
Beware what history's said,
Toil, tears and tyranny,
(Who knows how many dead?)
Barack, he went to Harvard,
His Czars all went to Yale,
So THEY know how to run your life,
Or throw you into to jail.
All hail our big computers,
Run by men from MIT
Their brains replace the marketplace,
With government, you'll see!
All hail the god of government,
Give me my daily bread,
While robbing me of dignity,
My soul will soon be dead.
For you and your utopia,
Beware what history's said,
Toil, tears and tyranny,
(Who knows how many dead?)
And you there clinging to your guns,
Religion, property,
Hear his words, check out his smile,
And let him set you free!
His plans require our patience,
A moment, you will see,
How things get when he shuts up Beck,,
Limbaugh and Hannity
All hail the god of government,
Give me my daily bread,
While robbing me of dignity,
My soul will soon be dead.
For you and your utopia,
Beware what history's said,
Toil, tears and tyranny,
(Who knows how many dead?)
The Socialist temptation,
Gleams like a shining star,
When men will trade their freedom,
For bread, a house, a car.
Beware of unchecked ego,
Beware the Master Plan!
For men with all the answers,
Take freedom when they can.
Herr Hitler was a genius,
His was the Master Race,
A "thousand year" utopia,
That brought mankind disgrace.
But, wait, there's Comrade Lenin,
And Comrade Stalin too,
They gave us all a paradise,
That mankind came to rue.
But look, here's Castro's Cuba
A Socialist Paradise,
And when you voice your protest,
That's when you're put on ice.
All hail the god of government,
Give me my daily bread,
While robbing me of dignity,
My soul will soon be dead.
For you and your utopia,
Beware what history's said,
Toil, tears and tyranny,
(We dare not count the dead)
We pray to Comrade Stalin,
And Mao and Ho Chi Minh,
We pray that they forgive us of,
Our capitalistic sin.
Oh see our youthful legions,
As they swear oaths to Barrack,
And by their cultish worship,
Our forbears they do mock.
NOW Hail Barack, our savior,
Yes, HAIL, that's what I said!
You dare oppose our savior,
Then YOU will join the dead!
All Hail Barack, Our Savior
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Our National "Healer"
Iowahawk has a post over his way rounding up the headlines the MSM wished they could have run about the moonbat jihadi murderer of 13 and shooter of 29 others last week at Ft. Hood.
(Per my promise to the dead, I'm not going to defile their memory with mention of the bastard's name in the same universe as them, but I'm really glad he's alive; maybe he'll get beheaded and crucified in public as a result. Probably not, though. The murderer's lawyer is already trotting out the issue of "mental responsibility.")
Naturally, in keeping with MSM tradition -- that is, shamelessly making us satirists look brilliant -- reality imitated art this morning when the AP came out with this beauty, "Obama pressed into role of healer, inevitably," as the pResident was heading off to Ft. Hood today for the memorial honoring those killed and wounded. (It's my position that the best thing Zero could do for Ft. Hood, really, is to stay home, but the White House ... strangely ... continues to ignore my counsel.)
Now, I don't know about you, but "healer" isn't an attribute I'd ever put alongside The Joker's name.
But I can think of a few others:
National Stealer
National Squealer
National Reeler
National Wheeler and Dealer
I'd even go so far as to make the claim, in my best impersonation of an illegal Mexican immigrant, that he's the National Keeelller for still not deciding on a policy for the war in Afghanistan.
And, with apologies for breaking the rhythm of the rhyme, he can always be called the National Attacker for spanking any news organization that dares to report anything truthful. Just ask FOX News.
But, to bring this back around to the other mooslem in the news, you really can't expect the MSM to get down to the bare and cold and painful reality of an issue, not when ABC is saying things about the Ft. Hood 72-virgin-seeker like: "I wish his name was Smith."
After all, as I noted elsewhere yesterday, ABC undoubtedly would be a better news organization if it were named Aljazeera. As would 99.9 percent of its colleagues.
P.P.S. May they rest in peace...
P.P.S. Wow ... just wow. ... Click to embiggen and read, then click for this response.
Our National "Healer"
Monday, November 9, 2009
Project Valour IT -- Give to Those Who Gave For Us
Project Valour IT can provide these troops with voice-activated laptops and other high-tech gear. Please take some time to learn about this project, then make a donation via the widget at the very bottom of the post.
From Villainous Company:
Project Valour-IT began when Captain Charles "Chuck" Ziegenfuss was wounded by an IED while serving as commander of a tank company in Iraq in June 2005.Here's more of CPT Ziegenfuss' story, reposted from Cao's Blog:
During his deployment he kept a blog. Captivating writing, insightful stories of his experiences, and his self-deprecating humor won him many loyal readers. After he was wounded, his wife continued his blog, keeping his readers informed of his condition.
As he began to recover, CPT Ziegenfuss wanted to return to writing his blog, but serious hand injuries hampered his typing. When a loyal and generous reader gave him a copy of the Dragon Naturally Speaking Preferred software, other readers began to realize how important such software could be to CPT Ziegenfuss' fellow wounded soldiers and started casting about for a way to get it to them.
A fellow blogger who writes under the pseudonym FbL contacted Captain Ziegenfuss and the two realized they shared a vision of creating libraries of laptops with voice-controlled software that could be brought to the bedsides of wounded soldiers whose injuries prevented them from operating a standard computer. FbL contacted Soldiers' Angels, who offered to help develop the project, and Project Valour-IT was born.
In sharing their thoughts, CPT Ziegenfuss and FbL found that memories of their respective fathers were a motivating factor in their work with the project. Both continue their association with this project in memory of the great men in their lives whose fine examples taught them lasting lessons of courage and generosity.
Cao also notes:
The fundraiser ends Wednesday, November 11th, Veteran's Day. Please donate here:Chuck blogs at From My Position on the Way, here.
Read about Chuck and his steadfast and courageous Carren, here and their amazing attitudes while he was recovering from his injuries.
Project Valour IT -- Give to Those Who Gave For Us
Sunday, November 8, 2009
I Can't Help It If You Come Here With Baggage
Now. For my regulars ...
I'd planned to take some time away, to collect my thoughts, to post something of substance later, because ... the reality is: We're at war. And what's coming is not for the feint of heart.
I Can't Help It If You Come Here With Baggage
Wealth Share Passed the House ... Now What?
I'll check in with you when I've calmed down enough to find my center.
IF I do.
Wealth Share Passed the House ... Now What?
Saturday, November 7, 2009
I Just Hired a Bail Bondsman
I Just Hired a Bail Bondsman
"Old Grumpy Fuck Big Girl with Big Boobs"
"Old Grumpy Fuck Big Girl with Big Boobs"
Friday, November 6, 2009
A Grumpy Old Twat Sighting
A Grumpy Old Twat Sighting
Hell Just Froze Over
Pigs are flying.
And monkeys are too ... from Obama's ass.
Why, you ask?
Because the MSM just called Obama on his insensitivity toward the people, and their families, who were murdered yesterday at Ft. Hood by a moonbat jihadi yelling "Allahu Akhbar."
But instead of a somber chief executive offering reassuring words and expressions of sympathy and compassion, viewers saw a wildly disconnected and inappropriately light president making introductory remarks. At the event, a Tribal Nations Conference hosted by the Department of Interior's Bureau of Indian affairs, the president thanked various staffers and offered a "shout-out" to "Dr. Joe Medicine Crow -- that Congressional Medal of Honor winner." Three minutes in, the president spoke about the shooting, in measured and appropriate terms. Who is advising him?I don't know about you, but I'm expecting it to rain million dollar bills any minute now, too.
..................................If the president's communications apparatus can't inform -- and protect -- their boss during tense moments when the country needs to see a focused commander-in-chief and a compassionate head of state, it has disastrous consequences for that president's party and supporters.
All the president's men (and women) fell down on the job Thursday. And Democrats across the country have real reason to panic.
Via jaymienj on Twitter
P.S. Why I am I not surprised? The Joker was without TOTUS the entire 2 minutes before he mentioned Ft. Hood.
P.P.S. In honor of Obama's great record on fixing the economy, Exurban League has updated the Obama logo:
P.P.P.S. This is really the gist of what Zero has said about Ft. Hood thus far:
Day 1: I’d like to give a shout out to Dr. Joe Medicine Crow. Then I’m going to laugh. Then I’m going to say a few monotone words about how it’s really tragic those guys in the Army got shot. Then I’m going to go take a crap.
Day 2: I don’t have all the facts, but I think the police acted stupidly when they shot Hasan. I’m sure all he needed was a good conversation. I have them with Mamoud all the time. Look where it’s gotten me?
Hell Just Froze Over
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Fellow Soldiers Were Murdered Today
P.S. ...
Or how Muslims are spinning the story as a "backlash against their community."
And hell froze over ... because the MSM actually called Obugger on his insensitivity.
And being a murdering shrink makes the case for him to be treated here like the Saudi Arabians would treat him.
Fellow Soldiers Were Murdered Today
Nurse Wretched
Nurse Wretched: If Mr. Tea-bagger doesn't want to take his medication orally, I'm sure we can arrange that he can have it some other way.
McMurphy: And they say, the Republicans have no health care plan. I hope you know there's nothing in the Constitution giving you the authority for yours.
Nurse Wretched: Are you serious? Are you serious?
McMurphy: I'm a goddamn marvel of modern politics, I'm so serious.
P.S. I wonder if Nurse Wretched could hear the screams of "KILL THE BILL" from her office window today:
Nurse Wretched
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Last Night Was the End of the Beginning
“This is not the end; it is not even the beginning of the end, but it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” -- William Churchill (Shamelessly stolen from TexasFred's Facebook page)
P.S. From Doug Hoffman's web site: "Only 365 days until election day 2010." via Right Klick
P.P.S. And in other news, Sir Leg Tingles Alot, wasn't too happy about this. Maybe he should have shut up when radio host Mark Williams was trying to speak:
Last Night Was the End of the Beginning
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Abandon All Hope and ... Obama Will Disappear
It's often better to just resign yourself to how awful things are rather than raging against your situation and hoping desperately that it will get better. [via Obnoxio the Clown]
Abandon All Hope and ... Obama Will Disappear
Streaming Snark #1
Random blips of illogic and unimportance…
Global cooling awakened Godzira today, and he took it out on some Japanese fishermen. If we pile a mound of fish on the White House lawn, maybe he’ll take it out on Obama.
Obama has shed 15 pounds in an amazing new weight-loss plan: the Lobotomy Diet.
Al Gore announced he’s a greedy polluting asshole out to make a profit. His anti-capitalist followers turned out their lights … and bought more stock.
Today’s episode of The Sopranos: Corzine’s Gang Bangers:
Howard Fineman’s “of course Obama is much smarter than us” makes Chris Matthews’ “thrill up my leg” seem like an amateur man crush.
What do Gordon Brown, Barack Obama and Hamid Karzai have in common? They all could have started their political careers in Chicago.
Somehow I don’t foresee a beer summit with Hannity. I do, however, foresee Obama giving Hannity a blanket loaded with smallpox.
Seven black lawmakers are under investigation by the House ethics committee for being thieving assholes. Nancy Pelosi will hold a press conference later today to announce the committee is racist.
Streaming Snark #1
Monday, November 2, 2009
My First Anniversary
(P.S. Give fellow patriot Logistics Monster a hand to keep battling the moonbat brigade.)
My First Anniversary
Sunday, November 1, 2009
This Is a Thing of Beauty
This Is a Thing of Beauty
Saturday, October 31, 2009
The 2012 RINO Express (Snark and Boobs Special)
The 2012 RINO Express (Snark and Boobs Special)
Scuzzyface Quits
Friday, October 30, 2009
And the Country Lived Happily Ever After
Cop #1: Ok, buddy. We caught ya red handed.
Cop #2: Book 'em, Danno, for violating the Constitution, theft of private property, excessive taxation, ignorant foreign policy, lying to 62 million voters, and selling his country's soul without permission for his own glorification.
Obamacriminal: Gee. I hope they put me in the same cell as someone from ACORN. Joe! Hey, Joe! It's all yours, now!
Joe Biden (offstage): Hey, Mr. President ... um ... Barack? Can I keep the Nobel Prize? And can you take Mobama with you? I watched her walk Yogi Berra to the mound for the first pitch of the World Series the other night, and I swear her hips touched first and third simultaneously.
Via Clint Cox's Facebook page
And the Country Lived Happily Ever After
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Full Text of Pelosi's Healthcare Bill
Democrats repeatedly touted the openness of the development of their health care bill, which House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer called “the most deliberative, transparent and open process” he had seen in his career on Capitol Hill.
To the contrary, Democrats have shut Republicans out of all discussions on drafting the health care bill. In fact, the Democrats are being so hyper-partisan that they’ve physically locked Republican members out of a committee room. So much for the era of post-partisanship that the President and Speaker Pelosi promised.
House HCR Bill
P.P.P.S. Go read this important post by Jim McMahon about next Tuesday's elections. And if you live in NY-23, VOTE DOUG HOFFMAN.
P.P.P.P.S. Pelosi's legislative ghosts are coming in, but they're not going out...
Via The Weekly Standard and Ed Driscoll
Full Text of Pelosi's Healthcare Bill
Wild Thing #1 Files
Reptile Story -- The Home Depot AlligatorThere once was an alligator that lived in a small swamp behind a Home Depot in Venice, Florida. The water was greenish and smelled bad. Tall grass grew in the marsh. My dad and I used to visit the alligator every time we shopped at Home Depot, which was often. When I looked very close, I could see the alligator's nose and back sticking out of the water and sometimes his tail. I don't remember ever seeing him eat, but we could see fish and turtles in the water. That's probably what he ate at night. I used to wonder how the alligator got there.Here's one idea I had.A long time ago before this alligator lived, his great-great-great grand-gator-father was a grand alligator. In fact, he was so grand and smart that he built the swamp for his children and grand-gator-children. Two years after he built the swamp, he heard a lot of noise and a lot of people around. He wasn't too happy about that. Then all the sudden a big sign towered over his swamp -- "Home Depot"! One day, when he was feeling really grumpy, he climbed out of his swamp, went into the Home Depot, showed everyone his 80 scary teeth, and then took some wood to make a bridge so people could admire his beautiful swamp and leave him in peace.
Wild Thing #1 Files
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
The Proper Response to Solicitation from the RNC
"Her positions on a lot of issues are reflective of the electorate here," said Matt Burns, a Scozzafava spokesman. "If the idea is that every Republican that runs for office needs [to be] someone who fits in Georgia, then it's going to be very, very difficult for Republicans to gain a majority in the House of Representatives."
The Proper Response to Solicitation from the RNC
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
MOM! FOX News Is Touching Me!
Via FreeRepublic
It is, after all, piggy flu season. He must be a little feverish.
Then again, he's always been a little freaky over criticism, even from birth.
If only he could return to happier days, when all of Hollywierd loved him and brainwashing people and pretending he knew what he talked about was so much easier than actually doing the job.
Yeah ... life was a lot simpler when someone else wiped your bottom, wasn't it Mr. President?
MOM! FOX News Is Touching Me!
Obama's America
Good luck finding the vaccine, by the way. And the Zombiecrats want us all to believe government health care will be all cookies and cream.
No, I'm thinking that, since Zero's become the Appeasement President, more interested in building turtle tunnels and funding APORN than letting his troops win wars and protecting Americans from rogue nations and the Russian ManBearPig, Obama's America is probably more likely to end up disheveled and broken.
Worse, it just might end up like the world in Cormac McCarthy's The Road: A world in which ash rains down from the sky and the only food left is people and "hope and change" mean staying alive long enough to find other people who haven't gone completely insane.
For a little taste, here's the trailer from the upcoming flick. But I'd recommend picking up the book before you see the movie. You won't be able to put it down.
Happy Tuesday.
Obama's America
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Top 10 Kevin Jennings Pick Up Lines
10. Is that a condom in your pocket, or are you just happy I’m with NAMBLA?
9. Come with me to the janitor’s closet, son; I want to show you my tool.
8. You remind me of a dreamy 15-year-old I once knew.
7. Are you 16? You look so delicious I’d swear you were 15.
6. Bring a condom. I’ll show you how safe your school can be.
5. Did I ever tell you how interesting it is to be queerly raised from kindergarten?
4. I’d like to subvert you after class, son.
3. Fisting gets a bad rap. It’s just my way of exploring you closely.
2. Hey, kid. Wanna hit? It’ll free your mind, and open your pants for me.
1. Say hello to my little friend. It’ll put a smile on your face for two years.
Top 10 Kevin Jennings Pick Up Lines
We're Just Doing What We're Told
That is, according to the words Zero read from his teleprompter, Democrats are free thinkers, and, as such, their free thinkery is the only reason an overwhelming majority in both parts of the legislative branch of the federal government can’t come to a decision over the brewing health care fuckery. And that doesn't include Dear Leader's inability, after more than 60 days since his top general in Afghanistan asked if he could fucking frag the Taliban, to make up his mind over whether he wants to be a war-monger or a war-dodger.
Republicans, meanwhile, only do what they are told, according to God's gift to political speech reading. Of course! This must explain why regular, and expanding, ragtag bands of American citizens have risen in protest against the federal government for going on 7 months now.
I guess we’re just doing what we’re told … by the Constitution.
Hmmm .... where have I heard of such a thing before?
[Based on a comment I left at this excellent post over at Conservative Hideout 2.0.]
We're Just Doing What We're Told
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Shit I Said Somewhere (Most of It Stupid) That You Might Have Missed (And I Bet You Can’t WAIT to Read)
I used to write this shit down in one of those little shirt-pocket notebooks -- until I realized I looked like a pencil-necked geek. Now I just look like a geek, without a notebook in his shirt pocket, because I post this stuff on Twitter, Facebook, and the sites of other bloggers.
Why not? It’s not like anyone’s paying me per word, or paying attention.
So here are a few diversions I took part in this past week to keep me from going postal. You know, acting really, really slow, like you don’t give 2 shits about your job, deliberately taking lunch at the most inopportune time, so that the line of 20 people waiting to mail something doubles to 40 by the time you finish eating your quadruple-decker sandwich fit for a fat fucking government employee.
Ah … life must be good when you’re attached to the government teet.
[Said at Tereseamerica’s place in the direction of a fucking Eric Holder-hired piece of shit troll twit who's been hounding Teresa's place for weeks and tried to hassle her and yours truly on Twitter the other day.] @nyp (Not Your fucking Place) If you don't have a small penis, does that mean you're a lovely term the British use to denigrate people? I've read your comments for weeks. I believe the term is quite fitting.
[Also said at Teresamerica’s place]: @nyp Say hello to Eric Holder for me and tell him I said to go fuck himself (after you fuck him, of course).
“Rejecting socialism is not racism…it’s patriotism. #UCK OBAMA.” -- from the sign outside Mulligans Food and Spirits in Marietta, Ga.
[Said @Dick Bacon’s Facebook page in response to his admission that he was “just saying how my one lib friend never talks to me, and then I get into this great big long conversation with her! It’s really serendipitous!”] Nah, Dick, it’s really like this: I ate all of my liberal friends because Al Gore told me I needed to help clean up the planet.
BREAKING: Michelle Obama was rushed to the hospital this morning to have a hula hoop surgically removed from around her hips.
If Barack Obama hates America so much he wants to remake it into Europe-lite, he should run for president of the EU and leave, as soon as fucking possible.
I don't know about the White House's enemies list; I'm not big enough to be on it. But I do know who's number one on mine: Chairman Zero.
RT @politeracy @mikepfs Yellow Snowe. | Democrats, little ignorants that they are, eat it; conservatives just want spring to come & melt it.
@KingShamus That's me, reversing Faulkner and bringing chaos to order.
BREAKING! Logging into Twitter now takes only 48 hours.
@patdollard RE: Palin. I like her spunk ... but she ain't even close to being the one. In fact, there isn't a "one." That's the problem.
It might not take a village to raise one child, but it certainly takes one president to screw up an entire village.
RT @politeracy @ADHDsnark The only thing a Village has ever raised is a Village Idiot. | Only village idiot I know has a Nobel Peace Prize.
#InObamasworld -- Hope and change mean “Mao is my favorite political philosopher.”
#InObamasworld -- Joe Biden is a brilliant adviser.
#InObamasworld -- Grandma don't need no new hip; she needs the blue pill.
#InObamasworld -- CNN is a great news organization.
#InObamasworld -- Michelle Obama doesn't look like Chewbacca.
#InObamasworld -- Nine months of failure equals accomplishment.
If I were a troll, what kind of troll would I be? The kind that stays the fuck away from me.
Hey Obama ... can I get on your enemies list, too? I promise I'll harass you even more.
Imma find someone at twitter and beat them up if they don't get this thing running faster.
@Amusing_Bunni That's what happens when you tell @algore FUCK YOU 30 times in one night.
RT @cprater Cuz something needs to line your bird cage or start your fireplace. RT @GarCasey: Save The Newspapers? Why?
If Balloon Boy's dad goes to prison, I don't see anyone asking him to help with escape plans.
A new word for the lexicon: Gangabama. Means Obama who worries about medicinal ganga while soldiers die and Americans lose jobs.
Obama dithers, support for Afghanistan withers, and another jihadi snake with an IED slithers toward our troops.
RT @StickeeNotes RT @shellyroche Who's in Big Brother's Database? #tlot #c4l #tech | I hope my file corrupts it all.
Next guy who calls a radio show & says this country is racist is getting my foot up his ass. Obama is TERRIBLE. That's truth, not racism.
P.S. Something I said tonight at the excellently intellectual blog Conservative Hideout 2.0:
Democrats, according to Chairman Zero’s own words, are free thinkers, and, as such, this is the reason they can’t come to a decision on health care fuckery. Republicans, meanwhile, only do what they are told. And this is the reason why regular American citizens have arisen in protest against the federal government for over 6 months now.
I guess we’re just doing what we’re told … by the Constitution.
Shit I Said Somewhere (Most of It Stupid) That You Might Have Missed (And I Bet You Can’t WAIT to Read)
Friday, October 23, 2009
The Big List of Shit the Government Does NOT Control
What? You actually thought there would be something to list?
The Big List of Shit the Government Does NOT Control
The Next "Not a News Organization" Decree
Tomorrow's only headline at Drudge: We've been shut down for inciting "racism and defiance" against the president of the United States
The Next "Not a News Organization" Decree
Thursday, October 22, 2009
A Quick Observation for Today
But. Time?
I got none.
So here's just a little thought that occurred to me today. I'm pretty sure it's a mutual feeling among many, so I decided to share:
If it's appropriate for the White House to label FOX "not a news organization," it's equally appropriate to label those in the White House "not real government."P.S. Isn't it cool when your stuff gets posted elsewhere without attribution?
A Quick Observation for Today
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
And Now, Back to the Funny Pages
I haven't been around to snark anyone's pages, let alone these, for a few days for a variety of reasons, many having to do with evil minions of Chairman Zero and my recent rants.
Let's just say I must be shit because I sure do attract a lot of flies.
Then there's always the crazy fun I'm blessed with in my professional life, where I'm a mild mannered closet right-wing racist health care something or other czar. (Yes, I'm not really a doctor, but I play one on the innerwebz in more ways than just fucking snarking around.)
In fact, here's an interesting observation I made to a colleague yesterday about my freak-show company's obsession with swine flu...
Well…16 emails came into my inbox on this subject in the past minute. If we extrapolate those numbers out over time, that means I could receive 960 emails about swine flu per hour or 23,040 emails about swine flu per day or 162,280 emails about swine flu per week or 8,286,560 emails about swine flu per year.And. Yes. I did use a calculator.
I think that’s quite enough emails about swine flu for anyone’s lifetime.
Speaking of calculations (or mis-calculations, as it were), do you think LGF's Charles Johnson ever thought he'd become such the butt of innerwebz abuse as to be immortalized by this funny fucking comic?
As The Other McCain noted the other day (hey a half-assed alliteration!):
Major Coffee-Spew Hazard! Do Not Click ... Unless You Are Prepared For Serious BWAAAHAHAHA!Although ... I would have added the word "fucking" after major, but that's just my personal taste.
And Now, Back to the Funny Pages