Monday, June 28, 2010

Robert Byrd Dies, Named KKK Grand Dragon of Hell

Senator Robert C. Byrd (D-WV) died early this morning at Inova Hospital in Fairfax, Va. Upon arriving in Hell, he was immediately appointed KKK Grand Dragon.Byrd was greeted at the gates of Hell by long-time friend Ted Kennedy, who made an unsuccessful bid for president of Hell last year shortly after his own arrival.“Having … ah … Senata Byrd at my side again can only improve my … ah … chances of … ah … taking this...

Friday, June 25, 2010

I Guess The pResident's Brain Transplant Didn't Work Out So Well

It's been a year since Michael Jackson died, allowing other events to unfold. Let's take a look back at something that may explain a lot about why the Failure in Chief has had such a bad year.Previously posted in July 2009:King of Pop’s Brain to be Implanted in King of Pork!LOS ANGELES -- As millions prepared to watch a memorial service for Michael Jackson, at the Staples Center and via live feed on theater and arena...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

It's Time to Burn My Beatles Records

And, yes, I do have some of the actual records, vintage ones too.Screw 'em. Opining today that the Gulf oil disaster is the perfect crisis with which to force cleaner, renewable, and un-Godly expensive and cost-ineffective sources of energy down our throats, Paul McCartney could have stopped there.But he didn't:"Sadly we need disasters like this to show people," McCartney said in an exclusive interview with The Sun....

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Democratic Underground Message Board (DUMB) Lays Down the Tolerance

"Tolerance" goes beyond the pale these days over at the Democratic Underground Message Board (DUMB), where moderators have brought down from Mount Insane a tablet of Commandmants governing inter-party dialogue.As Moonbattery points out, instead of simply saying ixnay on DUmmays attacking DUmmays, the Commandments "broadly" and "generally" list intolerable offenses ad nauseam in bulletpoints, the offense of which will...

Saturday, June 19, 2010

I Am BO's Oil Spill's Blog

It's probably no secret to my regular readers who also blog, and certain others -- I am Barack Obama's Oil Spill's Blog. I kept it a little quiet for a bit from most of my non-blogging readers, but anyone who knows my regular posting frequency here can obviously tell I've dropped off both in amount and quality. And I certainly haven't been a good blog friend in returning everyone's visits or comments.I apologize.I've been really busy keeping my boot on the regime's throat over here. Plus Wild Thing #1 is playing summer baseball...

Thursday, June 17, 2010

You Just Know Charlie Crist Got Caught Staring at the Wrong Behind

Maybe it's a little more blatant than when Zero got caught looking (except, in Zero's case, we all knew he really was looking at the paper on the step).Poor Charlie. He makes it look sooooo convincing. When you just know he was wishing The One was in that thong.Images via Powerl...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Obama Gives Part of Arizona to Mexicans

And whyyyyyy not? Why not ban from part of their own country those racist Americans trying to keep illegal, non-U.S. citizens from entering and entrenching themselves in their country? Who the hell are those awful white and black and brown and green and yellow and polkadotted Americans to try to defend their property, their rights, their way of life, and that little thing called the Constitution?Dummies. All of them. Let's just go ahead right now and give all those lands we kicked Mexico's ass over back to those nice people...

Congresscriminal Etheridge Assualting Student - The Musical Version

And I was going to write a satire having him greet the students with a smile, common courtesy, and offer to buy them a beer. What was I thinking?H/T: allahpun...

Saturday, June 12, 2010

PayPal Can Go To Hell (and Moose-limbs Can Too)

It's incredibly important, in these times of Dear Leader wanting to take over these here innnertubz, that we continue to up the revolution ... right up their wazoos, if need be.This is one of those times. Apparently, according to innertubz money giant PayPal, Atlas Shrugs is a "hate site" (h/t: Soylent Green):The little money that Atlas generates (I have no large donors) is about to be cut off. Apparently the jihad is...

Obama's Kick Ass Song

Who knew he could do something right?H/T: King Sha...

Friday, June 11, 2010

Where's All the Hollywood Outrage Over the Gulf Oil Spill?

As Barack Obama's Oil Spill's Blog notes, the liberal entertainment industry doesn't seem too terribly upset about the spill trying to get so far up into the Mississippi it fulfills Ray Nagin's dream of making NOLA a Chocolate City aga...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

John Bolton: Israel Must Strike Iran Now

And now for something completely different, let's focus on the serious side of having to deal with the Appeaser in Chief, the Iranian situation. For a little change of pace, I'd like to bring in a heavy hitter. Please give the Reaganite Republican a nice ADHD welcome ... and make sure you click the link at the bottom and go over and read all the way to the end ... or we may sick the TerrorTortilla from Gaza on you.By The Reaganite Republican Iran Will Have Nukes Before the United Nations or Obama Do Anything WND:...

Monday, June 7, 2010

More Fun With Helen Thomas

Image via iOwnTheWorld's ironic Irony CurtainHelen Thomas, the moldy, lumpy ... ahem ... "journalist," who covered all 44 presidents, the Civil and Revolutionary Wars, and God's rest on the seventh day, has ... moved the fook on.Praise Yahweh.It's a special honor for a low-class, jew-hating moose-limb appeaser from Lebanon, our "national treasure" who earned cupcakes and a kiss on the cheek from the pResident on her...

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Obama's Oil Spill Has Its Own Blog

Apparently Obama's oil spill has evolved from an ecological nightmare and now has the ability to type, as noted here. Rather than steal its thunder, I'll let the oil spill tell you all about ...

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Flotilla Choir Presents: We Con the World


Friday, June 4, 2010

Flotilla to Israeli Navy: 'Go Back to Auschwitz'

Is that Helen Thomas on the line?h/t: POWIPOh. Sorry for the lack of context. In case you haven't heard yet, here's a minute of your life you won't was...

New Arizona Billboard on I-10 North of Tucson

The photo of this billboard looks Photochopped. It came to me via email, but my virus protection sent off warning signals so I found another copy at Theo Spark's. If anyone in Arizona has seen it, please let me know. I'll make sure to update this post, true or false.UPDATE: Totally Photochopped. You can always count on the Freepers. I suppose I could have looked on a map to see that I-8 goes to San Diego, not L.A., but...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Gulf Oil Spill Tells Obama: “Plug Your Own Damn Hole”

GULF OF MEXICO -- Speaking through a BP interpreter at a press conference today, the spill gushing millions of gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico defiantly told pResident Barack Obama to plug his own damn hole.“The federal government hasn't a damned thing to do with shutting me down, and, frankly, if they did, they'd screw it up so badly I'd probably be much worse, no doubt fouling the Gulf, Atlantic, and Pacific...
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