Friday, July 30, 2010

Obama First Worthy Bow

Finally, Obowma pays deference to someone with far more class, far more balls to tackle real fiscal problems instead of avoiding them on the golf course ... finally Zero bows to someone who deserve it, NJ Gov. Chris Christie:

H/T: Cubachi

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A Whole Lot of Estrogen Going On

C'mon, I dare you to find the dood in the photo. Our dear POSOTUS even crosses his legs like a girl.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Periodic Table of Swearing

From the twat of the twat, Grumpy Old Twat


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Well I'll Be Dipped in Oil!

Because it sure looks like Mobama just was.
U.S. First lady Michelle Obama flashes two thumbs-up to the crowd, as she is introduced by Panama City Beach Mayor Gayle Oberst, on Panama City Beach, Florida July 12, 2010. Obama visited the area to show support for the people and businesses impacted by the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Reuters.
Via Weaselzippers. H/T @CrackaCrib

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The CrackaCrib Spangled Banner

I saw this tweeted today on Twitter and just couldn't help but share it with my fellow crazy crackers out there (courtesy @CrackaCrib):

O say can't you see that my crib's got your life
What you sleep through @ night'll be your undoing.
With broad stokes of my pen, through the force of my bills
O'er you I will rule, your minds no longer thinking
And with my badass stare
My middle finger in the air
I'll give you proof aright
About the constituion I don't care
O say does your conscience even know how close I am
To destroying what you call free and deleting what you can't save.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

SHHHHH! I'm on a Secret Mission...

... so close to this ...


... I can almost smell the stench. It's dangerous. If they catch me, I may never make it back safely to the red states. But I'm carrying the flame of the good guys, and I just might set the bastards on fire if they try to grab me.

If I'm not back by Wednesday, you can consider me captured and have my full permission to invade the District of Criminals to free me. Bring plenty of beer; Zero's already imbibed everything north of the Tennessee border.

This blog post will self destruct long after Zero's pResidency does.
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